
WordPress 4.6 compatibility updates

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Update links to tax tables

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WooCommerce 2.2+ compatibility fixes

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Fixed a display issue with the outdated tax rates messages

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Compatibility fixes for WooCommerce 2.1

  • use the new settings page url
  • use the core pagination on the tax table
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  • Made the “Delete ALL Existing Locality Rates” button available even when nothing has been uploaded
  • Broke out the settings page into separate files
  • Even more debugging info
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Improved the debugging info

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  • Added automatic updates via WPUpdate.com. This is the last time you’ll need to manually update!
  • Added pagination to the tax rates settings page in WooCommerce 2.0 (for more than 101 rates)
  • New Tabbed interface in the upload utility page
  • Added a handy debugging panel and support form
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Added the ability to delete all the rates with one button for WooCommerce 2.0
Squished some php notices.

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  • Made the update notice an admin_notice, and added an option to hide it.
  • Added a notice when tax rates are more than 30 days out of date, and added an option to hide it
  • Added options for importing to Reduced Rate and Zero Rate tables
  • Added options to change Compound and Shipping checkboxes in bulk during the import
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